For several months, officials in Murray and Salt Lake City have been developing and refining proposals to locate a new home for Real Salt Lake, Utah's newest major league team, in their cities. With a late January or early February deadline approaching, the team is eager to hear what fans think of proposed locations in Murray and Salt Lake City.
Soccer fans will have their first opportunity to pitch team leaders on what site would be best for a stadium at a Murray RDA meeting this coming Tuesday, 5:00 PM, at Murray City Hall. In addition to other agenda items, the team and city leaders will be on hand to hear suggestions and comments about the Murray site.
Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Murray Stadium Location
Tuesday, January 18 - 5:00 PM
Murray City Hall
In addition to the meeting in Murray, RSL is working to schedule a meeting with Salt Lake City government to obtain input from Salt Lake City fans and residents about the 600 South and West Temple location proposed by City leadership. These meetings are only intended to focus on the issue of where the stadium should be located. These initial public hearings will be the first of many public meetings regarding the Real Stadium. Once a site is selected, several public meetings will be held regarding funding, planning, and construction issues.