Scene: Friday night; 6 pm, time for your weekly pick-up game at the park; three friends that meet you every week inform you last minute they're unavailable tonight.
You're already at the field and now short of soccer-playing friends. Tonight's game is now in jeopardy.
Elementary logic would first tell you to get better friends. Upon further consideration, it would probably be easier to make more friends. But in what time? You're supposed to play in 15 minutes. What do you do?
Pull the smartphone out of your pocket and open up Jogabo, the new mobile app that connects soccer players of any and all skill levels and presents playing opportunities no matter what city you live. It's basically Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare for pick-up soccer, all in one.
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Before you can do that, though, the creators of Jogabo need you to help fund the development of the app through this IndieGoGo page. At time of writing this story on Thursday afternoon, the funding total was a few dollars more than $12,000 — the goal is $50,000 — up almost $3,000 from Wednesday evening, with 46 days remaining.
Jogabo will not only find games for you to play in whatever day of the week, but will also provide a social media-like platform to track and share your playing stats. That means when you score more than 91 pick-up goals in a calendar year and you've got statistical proof of it thanks to Jogabo, you can claim to have outdone Lionel Messi.
Never cancel a kick-around ever again because you're short on players; help fund Jogabo today and let the app do all the game organizing for you.