Apparently, when D.C. United's Dwayne De Rosario isn't banging in golazosor writing fake checks, he's busy developing websites to tickle the fancy of his fans.
If you haven't already, go ahead and spend the next 10 or 15 minutes perusing DeRo's recently released personal website. Simply put, this is the stuff MLS dreams are made of. You know, other than MLS Cups and all that other relatively unimportant nonsense.

So far the page getting the most love here at HQ is the recipe for daily success that is dubbed "The Dero Rise and Shine Breakfast," which sounds pretty delicious even if it boils down to oatmeal and fruit.
Seriously, though, DeRo clearly didn't spare any time or expense on I'm going to go so far as to unofficially rank it No. 1 in the MLS player website sphere. Of course, David Beckham might have something to say about that, but I am just not willing to give out my personal information for the right to see pictures of Becks in H&M skivvies. I am, however, going to steal DeRo's core workout.