Photo illustration by Anthony Mendolia
The Cauldron
Habitat: North stands of Children's Mercy Park, season ticket members' parking lot, Boulevard Members Club.
Visual Identification: In addition to vibrant Sporting blue plumage, all genders adorn themselves in distinctive scarves, and males often sport copious facial hair. Several notable specimens–Sombrero Guy, Sporting Jesus and others–are immediately identifiable to even the casual observer.
Defining Characteristics: This species originated in Arrowhead Stadium in the days of the Kansas City Wizards, undergoing explosive population growth and diversification since the move to Children's Mercy Park in 2011.
Songs and Calls: “Barbecue,” “Vermes' Army,” “Wings of a Sparrow” and others
South Stand SC
Habitat: As the name indicates, this species inhabits the south end of Children's Mercy Park. They can also be found mingling with Cauldron members in the season ticket member lots.
Visual Identification: South Stand also have distinctive scarves, but members are less visually distinguishable from other supporters.
Defining Characteristics: South Stand is the “family-friendly” supporters' group, in both chants and atmosphere. Children can often be found intermingling with adolescents and adults.
Songs and Calls: “There's Only One Kansas City,” “SPORTING … KC” (call-and-response with the Cauldron)