Photo illustration by Anthony Mendolia
Emerald City Supporters, Gorilla FC, North End Faithful, and Eastside Supporters
Habitat: The Sounders' supporters' groups all have their own sections at CenturyLink Field.
ECS reside in “the Brougham End,” located in sections 121-123 at the south end of the stadium. Gorilla FC can be found nearby in section 120. The North End Faithful can, appropriately, be found mostly in the north end, although they expand to the north end of the east and west sides of CenturyLink as well. The Eastside Supporters call section 150 home, in an area on the north end referred to as "the Pod."
Popular hangouts and meet-up spots for ECS members are Fuel and Temple Billiards, both located in Pioneer Square, blocks away from CenturyLink.
Visual Identification: ECS members who pay a little bit extra get a membership scarf, which could be one way to visually identify any potential member you might see walking around Seattle. The North End Faithful also distribute custom scarves to members.
A man in a gorilla suit can occasionally be seen in the vicinity of Gorilla FC, an outfit that should make him readily identifiable in most contexts. Other members of Gorilla FC are not required to wear gorilla suits.
Defining Characteristics: ECS have become the most well-known Sounders supporters group thanks to their “March to the Match” tradition, elaborate tifo displays, and singing. That's all made the group a dominant presence on the stadium’s south end. ECS started the “March to the Match” in 2005 (when the Sounders were still a USL franchise), and it's since become one of the more unique scenes in North American soccer.
Gorilla FC describes itself as an “antifa” (anti-fascist) supporters' group, opposed to acts of racism, sexism and homophobia.
Songs and Calls: ECS can be heard singing and chanting throughout every Sounders game and supporters are known for traveling in substantial numbers to make their presence felt during road games as well. Most songs also include choreographed gestures and movement that members are encouraged to learn.