Photo illustration by Anthony Mendolia
Chicken Bucket FC
Habitat: Their origins are in Section 206, but they have members interspersed throughout the stadium. They can, of course, also be found in Yankee Stadium concession lines waiting to order their namesake food.
Visual Identifiers: Their shirts include one of Tommy McNamara’s distinctive hairline and a legend proclaiming him “Tommy Mac, the Pride of West Nyack.”
Defining Characteristics: Though not every member has a chicken bucket in one hand and a beer in the other for the entire game, it’s a good bet one or the other is in the vicinity of any given member during the match.
Songs and Calls: Naturally, the “Chicken Bucket” chant that helped introduce them to the NYCFC faithful.
The Third Rail
Habitat: Sections 236 and 237 during the game, Billy’s Sports Bar before and after
Visual Identification: 2015 Third Rail Founding Member Scarf
Defining Characteristics: First NYCFC supporters' group, biggest NYCFC supporters' group
Songs and Calls: "Hey Baby!" sung on repeat … and repeat … and repeat again
The Blue Ladies
Habitat: Spread through the left field bleachers and Section 234, usually at the Dugout before games, and Ryan’s Daughter after games
Visual Identification: Their awesome Blue Ladies gear and flags
Defining Characteristics: It's kind of self-explanatory: They’re the women’s group, and have great pride in their crew.
Songs and Calls: An echoing "Blue Ladiesssss" chant to fellow Blue Ladies members
Hearts of Oak
Habitat: Section 238, Yankee Bar & Grill
Visual Identification: Distinct HoO fitted hats
Defining Characteristics: They carry a chart with each member’s blood type.
Songs and Calls: “Proud of Our Name”
Habitat: Section 235, the Dugout
Visual Identification: Their badass, Statue-of-Liberty-on-'roids logo
Defining Characteristics: Members come from all walks of life, but there's a decent amount of Latino influence. And when there’s supporters' group in-fighting, NYC12 members are usually just running to get the popcorn.
Songs and Calls: “Vamos Mi Celestes.” Did you expect anything else?
Bronx Football Social Club
Habitat: Section 234, Yankee Tavern
Visual Identification: Black and gold Goodfellas swag
Defining Characteristics: They're usually pretty ... exuberant, and unafraid of an adult beverage
Songs and Calls: Not much for singing, but the motto is "Beer. Banter. Footy."