Not long after the new MLS crest was revealed on Thursday morning, MLS fans across the United States and Canada began to "play" with it, using the white space on the bottom right of the crest to express their favorite clubs and, of course, Henrying. Many of them were shared on this reddit thread.
Here are a few of our favorites.
Dallas version by redditer motioneso, given thumbs up by Matt Hedges:
Portland GIF by redditer ShutteredIn:
Toronto version by redditer onlynickleft:
Philadelphia version by redditer OshiHidra:
Columbus version by redditer Zurangatang:
Orlando City by redditer taylor314gh
Retro MetorStars version from Empire of Soccer:
Colorado version from Spartan_029:
Houston version by redditer nickl88:
Henrying version by redditer pmiller17: