2023 eMLS League Series 2 Contest Official Rules


ELIGIBILITY: eMLS League Series 2 Contest (“Contest”) is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, and Canada (excluding Quebec) (the “Territory”) who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and the legal age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside at the time of entry.  Employees, officers, and directors (including immediate family members (spouse, parent, child and sibling and their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and members of the same household, whether or not related) of Major League Soccer, L.L.C. (“MLS” or “Sponsor”), and Soccer United Marketing, LLC (“SUM” and collectively with MLS, the “MLS Entities”) and each of their respective parents, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, licensees, distributors, dealers, retailers, printers and advertising and promotion agencies, and any and all other companies associated with the Contest are not eligible to participate or win a prize. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Void outside Territory, in Quebec and where prohibited or restricted by law, rule or regulation.

HOW TO ENTER: The Contest begins upon commencement of the eMLS League Series 2 broadcast scheduled to take place on February 12, 2023 (with a scheduled start for 12 p.m. Eastern Standard time) and ends upon the conclusion of such broadcast (“Entry Period”). The Clock of the Sponsor will be the official time keeper for this Contest. During the Entry Period, there is one (1) way to enter. No other method(s) of entry will be accepted. All information and files submitted in the format specified will become property of Sponsor and used as provided in the MLS Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, each of which can be found by visiting http://www.mlssoccer.com/terms-service and http://www.mlssoccer.com/privacy-policy (both of which are incorporated herein by reference).

To enter the Contest, you will need to be a registered user of Twitch as well as a Follower of the MLS Twitch Channel available at www.twitch.tv/mls. Twitch registration is free and can be completed by visiting www.twitch.tv. By submitting your information and creating a Twitch account, you agree to the Twitch Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. If you do not agree to such Terms of Service and Privacy Notice, you cannot create a Twitch account, or participate in this Contest. Limit one (1) entry per person per Twitch account. Multiple entries received from any person in excess of the stated limitation will be void.

Once you have registered, you may enter by visiting www.twitch.tv/mls during the Entry Period and click ‘Follow’ to become a Followers of the MLS Twitch Channel (if you have not done so already). You will be presented with the opportunity to accrue “Trivia Points”.  If you use your mobile phone to access Twitch, standard data fees may apply. See your wireless provider for pricing plan details. 

Trivia points are acquired by participating in polls (i.e., subjective, opinion based questions), emoji sliders (i.e., subjective, opinion based questions), star rating (i.e., subjective, opinion based questions), vote (i.e., subjective, opinion based questions),quizzes (i.e., objective, fact based questions) and predictions (i.e., questions predicting match play) on www.twitch.tv/mls in accordance with the following points breakdown:

  • Bonus Time Points – 1-50 points are awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer during the time limit. The faster you answer, the more bonus time points you earn.
  • Polls: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer. 0 points awarded for not providing an answer to a poll.
  • Emoji Sliders: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer. 0 points awarded for not providing an answer.
  • Star Rating: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer. 0 points awarded for not providing an answer.
  • Vote: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer. 0 points awarded for not providing an answer.
  • Quizzes: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer; entrants will receive an additional 200 points for providing a correct answer to a quiz question. 0 points awarded for not providing an answer.
  • Predictions: Bonus time points awarded based on how quickly you provide an answer; entrants will receive an additional 200 points for providing a correct answer to a prediction. 0 points awarded for not providing a prediction.

MLS reserves the right to adjust points per question in its sole discretion in a manner consistent for all entrants.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Trivia Points have no cash or real-world value. Trivia Points are solely for entertainment purposes in connection with this Contest. Any/all Trivia Points accrued following the conclusion of the Entry Period will be void. Trivia Point Scoreboard, the tabulation of Trivia Points and final Trivia Point tally shall be determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion.

By entering into the Contest, you affirm that you have read, understand and agree to these Official Rules. Entrants understand that they are entering at their sole risk.  The MLS Entities are not responsible for any claims arising from an entry specifically including, but not limited to, claims for intellectual property infringement and privacy rights violations, as well as violations of the respective social media site’s terms and conditions.

In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the individual who actually submitted an entry cannot be resolved to Sponsor’s satisfaction, the affected entry will be deemed ineligible.  The MLS Entities shall not be responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by Internet users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest or by any technical or human error, which may occur in the processing of the entries in the Contest.  The MLS Entities assume no responsibility or liability for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries.  Incomplete entries will be disqualified.  Proof of sending email is not considered proof of delivery to or receipt by Sponsor of such entry.

This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Twitch.

WINNER SELECTION: The ten (10) Entrant(s) who have accumulated the most points by the conclusion of the Entry Period (each a “Winner” and collectively, the “Winners”) will receive a prize (“Prize”) as follows, subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these Official Rules. In the event of a tie, the entrant(s) who entered the top 10 leaderboard first will be deemed the applicable Winner(s).  Sponsor reserves the right to not award a prize if, in its sole discretion, it does not receive a sufficient number of eligible and qualified entries.  The decisions of Sponsor are final and binding on all matters relating to this Contest.

Total Approximate Retail Value

MLS Store Gift Card - $200 USD

12,000 EA FIFA Points** - $100 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$314.99 USD

MLS Store Gift Card - $150 USD

12,000 EA FIFA Points - $100 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$264.99 USD

MLS Store Gift Card - $150 USD

12,000 EA FIFA Points - $100 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$264.99 USD

MLS Store Gift Card - $100 USD

5,900 EA FIFA Points - $50 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$164.99 USD

MLS Store Gift Card - $100 USD

5,900 EA FIFA Points - $50 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$164.99 USD

2,800 EA FIFA Points - $25 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$39.99 USD

2,800 EA FIFA Points - $25 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$39.99 USD

2,800 EA FIFA Points - $25 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$39.99 USD

2,800 EA FIFA Points - $25 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$39.99 USD

2,800 EA FIFA Points - $25 USD

DoorDash Gift Card - $15 USD

$39.99 USD

\\ EA FIFA Points is digital currency (no real world value) used on the EA SPORTS FIFA video game to make in-game purchases. Each Winner agrees that Sponsor shall not provide access to the EA SPORTS FIFA video game. Accordingly, each Winner shall be responsible at its sole cost to secure access to EA SPORTS FIFA video game.

The total ARV of all prizes available to be won: $1,374.90 USD.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Each potential Winner will be notified via Twitch chat/Whisper by the Sponsor (the “Initial Notification”). To begin the prize claim process, each potential Winner must respond to the Initial Notification with his/her email address within three (3) days of issuance of the Initial Notification. In the event that any potential Winner does not respond to the Initial Notification within three (3) days of the date of issuance, a disqualification will result, the Prize will be forfeited and, at Sponsor’s sole discretion and time permitting, an alternate potential Winner may be chosen from among all remaining eligible entries. Within five (5) days of confirmation of a potential Winner’s email address in response to the Initial Notification, such potential Winner will receive a second notification (the “Second Notification”) via email from US Sweepstakes & Fulfillment Co., a third-party independent representative of the Sponsor. The Second Notification will require each potential Winner to provide their full name and mailing address and a copy of valid ID (i.e. Driver’s License or other government issued ID) as proof of age. In the event that any potential Winner does not respond to the Second Notification within three (3) days of the date of issuance, a disqualification will result, the Prize will be forfeited and, at Sponsor’s sole discretion and time permitting, an alternate potential Winner may be chosen from among all remaining eligible entries. Prizes will be sent to winners via email within 45 days of winner verification.

PRIZE CONDITIONS: Exact make, color and model of merchandise prizes to be determined by Sponsor, in their sole discretion. All federal, state, provincial and local taxes, withholdings and all other costs associated with prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided are the sole responsibility of the winners. Prizes awarded “as is” with no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied by Sponsor. Winners may not substitute, assign or transfer prize or redeem prize for cash, but Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) with one of comparable or greater value. All prize details are at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

WAIVER OF LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE: By participating in the Contest and submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to (i) be bound by these Official Rules, including all entry requirements, and (ii) waive any and all claims against the Sponsor, the other MLS Entities, Twitch and each of their respective parents, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, licensees, distributors, dealers, retailers, printers, representatives and advertising and promotion agencies, and any and all other companies associated with the Contest, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, “Released Parties”) for any injury, damage or loss that may occur, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from the participation in the Contest or from the receipt or use of any Prize . Each Winner, by acceptance of Prize, grants to Sponsor, the other MLS Entities and each of their respective designees the right to publicize such Winner’s name, address (city and state/province of residence), photograph, voice and/or other likeness and prize information in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world, in perpetuity, without additional compensation or consideration, notification or permission, unless prohibited by law.

GENERAL CONDITIONS: Released Parties are not responsible for stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, misdirected, lost, damaged, garbled, delayed, undelivered, inaccurate, postage-due or garbled entries, through e-mail or mail. Entries generated by a script, macro or other mechanical or automated means or by any means which subvert the entry process will be disqualified. Released Parties are not responsible for lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server, Internet Service Provider (“ISP”), website, or other connections, availability or accessibility or miscommunications or failed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines, or technical failure or jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions or computer hardware or software malfunctions, failures or difficulties, or other errors or difficulties of any kind whether human, mechanical, electronic, computer, network, typographical, printing or otherwise relating to or in connection with the Contest, including, without limitation, errors or difficulties that may occur in connection with the administration of the Contest, the processing of entries, the announcement of the Prize or in any Contest-related materials. Released Parties are also not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by website users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest. Released Parties are not responsible for injury or damage to entrant’s or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating in this Contest or downloading materials from or use of the website. Should any portion of the Contest be, in Sponsor’s sole opinion, compromised by non-authorized human intervention or other causes including but not limited to war, strikes, health crisis, epidemic, pandemic, civil disturbances, work stoppage, and/or acts of God, which, in the sole opinion of the Sponsor, corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play, or submission of entries, Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest and, if terminated, at its discretion, determine the potential winner(s) based on the number of Trivia Points accrued prior to action taken or as otherwise deemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor.

The Contest is designed to increase consumer awareness of and interest in MLS. This Contest may not be used for any form of gambling. In the event that the Contest is challenged by any legal or regulatory authority, Sponsor reserves the right to discontinue or modify the Contest, or to disqualify Participants residing in the affected geographic areas. In such event, Released Parties shall have no liability to any Participants who are disqualified due to such an action.

Persons who tamper with or abuse any aspect of the Contest or website or attempt to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, deception or other unfair playing practices, or intend to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrant or Sponsor’s representatives or who are in violation of these Official Rules, as solely determined by Sponsor, will be disqualified and all associated entries will be void. Any attempt to deliberately damage the content or operation of this Contest is unlawful and subject to legal action by the Sponsor, the other MLS Entities and/or their respective agents. Sponsor and the other MLS Entities shall have the sole right to disqualify any entrant for violation of these Official Rules or any applicable laws relating to the Contest, and to resolve all disputes in their sole discretion. Released Parties (i) make no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind concerning any Prize, and (ii) disclaim any implied warranty. All disputes will be resolved under applicable U.S. laws in the County of New York, state of New York without giving effect to choice of law or conflicted law principles (whether of the state of New York, or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the state of New York. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any terms of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

The Sponsor and the other MLS Entities, as applicable, reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel or suspend the Contest for any reason, including should virus, bugs, unauthorized human intervention, or other causes corrupt the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper operation of the Contest. In the event of cancellation, Sponsor may elect to identify Winners and award the Prize from among all non-suspect, eligible entries received up to the time of such cancellation.


In the event of a dispute as to the identity or eligibility of a Winner based on a Twitch account, the winning entry will be declared made by the “Authorized Account Holder” of the e account submitted at the time of entry provided he/she is eligible according to these Official Rules. The “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person to whom the applicable Internet service provider or other organization (such as a business or educational institution) has assigned the account for the domain associated with the account. Sponsor reserves the right to modify these Official Rules for clarification purposes without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the Contest.

WINNERS’ NAMES: For the names of the Winners (available after March 23, 2022), mail a self-addressed stamped envelope to: eMLS Cup Winner’s Name, 420 5th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Winners’ name requests must be received by April 23, 2022.

SPONSOR: The Sponsor of this Contest is Major League Soccer, L.L.C., 420 5th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10018.